Sunday, April 5, 2015

Are Dominionists Pushing America Toward Their Vision Of Apocalypse?

Apocalyptic Millennialism----A Dominionist Obsession Of The Religious Right

1st -- Think About:  Officials involved with Corporations, Federal officials working with such varied issues of national concern as America's pending Iran Treaty (as of April, 2015), Israel Policy, Russia policy, Nuclear Weapons, Military Command, Global Climate  Change, Fossil-Fuel Policy, and Pollution Laws. Locally, inspectors, law enforcement and other city and state government officials, and others,  key to the operation of our society.

Then -- Consider:  Are Dominionists, as a percentage of the population, culturally embedded within both Government and the private sector, and scattered through varying areas of The Military, State Department, EPA and numerous other important regulatory agencies, and even the court system, letting their "Biblically-foreseen" End-Of-The-World beliefs influence their performance as business employees or designated Public Servants? 


Article Excerpt:                                                                                               "Apocalypticism: The belief in an approaching confrontation, cataclysmic event, or transformation of epochal proportion, about which a select few have forewarning so they can make appropriate preparations. From a Greek root word suggesting unveiling hidden information or revealing secret knowledge about unfolding human events. The dualist or demonized version involves a final show-down struggle between absolute good and absolute evil. In Christianity there are competing apocalyptic prophetic traditions based on demonization or liberation. Central to Christianity, the tradition also exists in Judaism, Islam, and other religions and secular belief structures. Believers can be passive or active in anticipation; and optimistic or pessimistic about the outcome. Sometimes used similarly to the term millenarianism.

 Millennialism: A sense of expectation that a significant epochal transformation is imminent, marking either the end of a thousand year period, or signal its beginning, or both. Two major forms of millennialist response are passive waiting versus activist intervention. Can involve varying degres of apocalypticism. In Christianity, the idea that the Second Coming of Christ marks a thousand year period."

Pushing Towards The Apocalypse? 

41% of American Adults Believe World Now in the “End Times”, according to poll 


For some,  Apocalypse = Money...

Milking  Apocalyptic Fear$, for profit
Conservative talk show host  Glenn Beck announced on his radio show in June, 2013 that "we are living in Biblical times" and added "we are at the end".
                                                 Exploiter of fear, Glenn Beck

 Meanwhile, Beck has, for years on his show, Hawked gold investments as a hedge for average people in coming desperate times.


Condemning America's ‘Moral Decay’ Is An Old Game 


An Old Game 

Oops. Maybe next time...


Dominionists Re-Write American History To Serve Their Theocratic Agenda

Dominionists  and Christian Revisionists
  Alter  and  Falsify 
US  History
====Dominionists have a desperate desire to re-write US History in a highly Christianized new image====

"A running refrain in the revisionist narrative is that somehow the original intention of God and the Founding Fathers has been thwarted by some combination of liberals, judicial tyrants, the ACLU, secular humanists, and more. This notion, which seems silly to some, is tremendously powerful in the context of the conservative Christian subculture. It asserts that "the Christians," (however one may define Christians), are the intended rulers of the nation, because that's what God, the Founding Fathers, and by implication, the Constitution, sought to accomplish.
It is a powerful piece of political and religious mythology that feeds into another powerful myth - that Christians are persecuted in the United States by the very forces that have thwarted God's plan for America. The effect is to make people feel that something has been unjustly, unrighteously taken from them - and that that something must be "restored" or "reclaimed." The Christian Right's Jamestown event [April, 2007, see below link marked ****] captured this sentiment." 
History Is Powerful ---- Why the Christian Right Distorts History and Why it Matters
The Assemby 2007---Jamestown propaganda event put on by Religious Right

Dominionism Seeks To Undermine America's Freedoms in the Name of Religion

Christian Right Dominionist Movement Trying To Undermine America's Free, Representative System
(link to article, below)

"Dominionists want to impose a form of Christian nationalism on the United States, a concept that was dismissed as eroding freedom and democracy by the founders of our country. Dominionism has become a major influence on the right-wing populist Tea Parties as Christian Right activists have flooded into the movement at the grassroots." 

  • "Dominionists celebrate Christian nationalism, in that they believe the United States once was, and should again be, a Christian nation. In this way, they deny the Enlightenment roots of American democracy.
  • Dominionists promote religious supremacy, insofar as they generally do not respect the equality of other religions, or even other versions of Christianity.
  • Dominionists endorse theocratic visions, believing that the Ten Commandments, or "biblical law," should be the foundation of American law, and that the U.S. Constitution should be seen as a vehicle for implementing Biblical principle."

The Christian Right and Theocracy 

Ironically,  It is one of the supposed Icons of the American Right who unequivocally assures us Theocracy is not The American Way...

         Ironic food for thought, eh?


Saturday, April 4, 2015

Dominionism and Prosperity Gospel REFUTED

 A Theological Refutation of Dominionism and The Prosperity Gospel

"...untold numbers of people flock to false teachers like Vallotton and false churches like Bethel Redding. They make professions of faith in Jesus, based on an anathematized gospel that rejects the true Jesus. They see Jesus as little more than a conduit for reaching what they really want--false promises of health, wealth, prosperity, authority, and power..."
Link, with accompanying PodCast: 

The so-called "Prosperity Gospel" Is FALSE 

List of  US Pastors  That Use or Own Private Jets & Mansions,  plus comments and discussion 


"These preachers of the prosperity gospel are certainly perverting the true gospel of Christ Jesus."

"These false prosperity gospel preachers have replaced the true God of Heaven, with money and possessions. Their god is wealth (mammon). What does the Word of God say about this?"
"'No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.' (Matthew 6:24)

The Falseness of The Prosperity Gospel, EXPOSED and Analyzed


A preacher defends his fundraising for a 
private jet...

       Is this really what God had in Mind?



Fired for "not being Christian enough"?

Two fired preschool teachers in Thousand Oaks, California: Not Christian enough?

(LA Times/April, 2015/Report & Opinion by Robin Abcarian )


  "There are many places in the world where Christians are oppressed. The United States of America is not one of them."

----Two teachers at Little Oaks School refused to provide a      "pastoral reference," and they were fired.                                     

----A judge ruled Little Oaks School was within its rights to fire  Lynda Serrano and Mary Ellen Guevara.

----Before the teachers could even file a wrongful-termination lawsuit, the school sued them in federal court.
 "There was nothing in their employment record to suggest that veteran preschool teachers Lynda Serrano and Mary Ellen Guevara deserved to be fired in 2012 by Little Oaks School.The two were described in court records as "capable" and "competent," with "no discipline history."
In 2009, Little Oaks was bought by Calvary Chapel, a Thousand Oaks church led by the Rev. Rob McCoy, a conservative Christian with political aspirations."

Continued here (link): 

Teachers Fired In California -- For Not Being Christian Enough?



Friday, April 3, 2015

A Reading and Video List on the subject of Dominionism

Find out a whole lot about Dominionism 
in a short time ...


This  1  Link below
will take you to a page on the
Democratic Underground site where many links to readings and videos are available
on the subject of Dominionism.


Excerpt  from Introduction: "To the general public: This is a list, though not exhaustive, of the knowledge base concerning Dominionism. I have broken it down into a basic pattern for the novice who is only just now learning about the threat to the American Republic and our secular form of government by these fascist Christian bigots. I sometimes give several sources for the same subject for both cross-referencing and to ensure that whatever criticisms may be directed towards the subject, the truth of the reality of Dominionism cannot be denied, as some people have tried to do. 

I know that this is a lot of info, so I suggest to just pace yourself, take your time; take breaks if you have to, you don't have to digest all of this in one session; it may take days, so bookmark it or copy and paste to your word processor and save as a file."

(Continued at the Link below)



     Actual American Poster, circa 1950s


Wednesday, April 1, 2015

What Placards and Slogans Tell Us About The Religious Right

The Placards, posters and slogans of the Religious Right----

A  Pictorial  Essay
(feel free to draw your own conclusions)


The Leaders of US Dominionism are SICK PEOPLE


Do not read the following material if you are easily upset 
or nauseated by gory, gruesome, systematic violence or abuse against helpless animals, adults, or children.

Links to articles and discussion here:
Sick parenting advice from James Dobson 

Cat-Killing for spite part of Jerry Falwell's Father's value-system

Jerry Falwell with a soulmate---Reverend Moon of the Unification Church Cult

A Christian Right politician's casual inhumanity
(chilling echoes of Hannibal Lecter and Joseph Mengele)

 Bill Frists's systematic animal cruelty

The Practice of "Soring" show horses---Article from The Humane Society 

              The leg of a horse that has been "Sored" for competition


Chris Hedges on The Christian Right and Dominionism

Journalist and author  Chris Hedges,  a Prebyterian minister and Masters Graduate of Harvard Divinity School, weighs-in on Dominionism and America's  Religious Right 

                                                               Chris  Hedges

"Dr. James Luther Adams, my ethics professor at Harvard Divinity School, told us that when we were his age, he was then close to 80, we would all be fighting the "Christian fascists."
The warning, given to me 25 years ago, came at the moment Pat Robertson and other radio and televangelists began speaking about a new political religion that would direct its efforts at taking control of all institutions, including mainstream denominations and the government. Its stated goal was to use the United States to create a global, Christian empire. It was hard, at the time, to take such fantastic rhetoric seriously, especially given the buffoonish quality of those who expounded it. But Adams warned us against the blindness caused by intellectual snobbery. The Nazis, he said, were not going to return with swastikas and brown shirts. Their ideological inheritors had found a mask for fascism in the pages of the Bible."

More here:

Chris Hedges on "American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War On America" ----

Watch Video here:
The Christian Right's War On America



DOMINIONISM in US Christianity --- An Ongoing Threat

The Twisted Dream Of a Theocratic Government in America

"Dominion Theology or Dominionism is the idea that Christians should work toward either a nation governed by Christians or one governed by a conservative Christian understanding of biblical law. At least under this name, it exists primarily among non-mainstream Protestants in the United States. It is a form of theocracy and is related to theonomy, though it does not necessarily advocate Mosaic law as the basis of government. Prominent adherents of Dominion Theology are otherwise theologically diverse, including the Calvinist Christian Reconstructionism and the charismatic/Pentecostal Kingdom Now theology and New Apostolic Reformation.
Some elements within the mainstream Christian right have been influenced by Dominion Theology authors. Indeed, some writers have applied the term "Dominionism" more broadly to the mainstream Christian right, implicitly arguing that that movement is founded upon a theology that requires Christians to govern over non-Christians. Mainstream conservatives do not call themselves "Dominionists," and the usage has sparked considerable controversy."

excerpt taken from:
Dominionism ---- Wikipedia

"Of all the faith based beliefs, none can be more destructive than that of dominionism. Dominionism is the belief that the earth was put here, by God, for the exclusive use of humanity, and for humanity to exploit right up until the day of judgement. To those of us that don’t believe, this seems rather an innocuous belief, and one that seemingly we could choose to ignore, along with the tale s of Mohammed flying to heaven on the back of a winged horse, or the story of a talking snake, but unfortunately this belief brings with it a curse for all the people of earth. And it brings with it some very powerful corporate allies, ones that have a vested interest in the continued use and consumption of the earth’s resources. This is a very important aspect of the story, but first, let’s look at dominionism and what the adherents to this belief claim..."

excerpt taken from:
"The first amendment of the U.S. Constitution guarantees freedom from religion. “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion...” The United States of America was founded as a secular republic, not as a Christian theocracy. Since the days of Thomas Jefferson, there has always been a separation of church and state."
excerpt taken from:
How is Dominionism a Threat to America?
