Wednesday, April 1, 2015

DOMINIONISM in US Christianity --- An Ongoing Threat

The Twisted Dream Of a Theocratic Government in America

"Dominion Theology or Dominionism is the idea that Christians should work toward either a nation governed by Christians or one governed by a conservative Christian understanding of biblical law. At least under this name, it exists primarily among non-mainstream Protestants in the United States. It is a form of theocracy and is related to theonomy, though it does not necessarily advocate Mosaic law as the basis of government. Prominent adherents of Dominion Theology are otherwise theologically diverse, including the Calvinist Christian Reconstructionism and the charismatic/Pentecostal Kingdom Now theology and New Apostolic Reformation.
Some elements within the mainstream Christian right have been influenced by Dominion Theology authors. Indeed, some writers have applied the term "Dominionism" more broadly to the mainstream Christian right, implicitly arguing that that movement is founded upon a theology that requires Christians to govern over non-Christians. Mainstream conservatives do not call themselves "Dominionists," and the usage has sparked considerable controversy."

excerpt taken from:
Dominionism ---- Wikipedia

"Of all the faith based beliefs, none can be more destructive than that of dominionism. Dominionism is the belief that the earth was put here, by God, for the exclusive use of humanity, and for humanity to exploit right up until the day of judgement. To those of us that don’t believe, this seems rather an innocuous belief, and one that seemingly we could choose to ignore, along with the tale s of Mohammed flying to heaven on the back of a winged horse, or the story of a talking snake, but unfortunately this belief brings with it a curse for all the people of earth. And it brings with it some very powerful corporate allies, ones that have a vested interest in the continued use and consumption of the earth’s resources. This is a very important aspect of the story, but first, let’s look at dominionism and what the adherents to this belief claim..."

excerpt taken from:
"The first amendment of the U.S. Constitution guarantees freedom from religion. “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion...” The United States of America was founded as a secular republic, not as a Christian theocracy. Since the days of Thomas Jefferson, there has always been a separation of church and state."
excerpt taken from:
How is Dominionism a Threat to America?


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